Prenatal vitamins aren’t just for pregnancy. They can be useful for supporting healthier periods are menstrual cycles whether or not you’re planning to get pregnant.
If you are thinking you might want to try to conceive in the future, the earlier you start the better. Taking supplements along with a healthy fertility diet is associated with healthier outcomes for baby and parent. They help prevent birth defects in babies and replenish the pregnant parents body whose nutrients are going towards growing the fetus.
Postpartum they are needed for healing and replenishment especially if you’re lactating.
But what if I already eat well, you ask? Eating well and getting your biggest nutrient bang for your buck is SO important, but the reality is that at this day in age with our current agricultrual system is that it is hard to get enough nutrients from our diet as it once was. Soil health is not what it used to be. And when you are eating for two (or more!) getting those extra nutrients where you can can make a huge difference for your energy, physical and mental wellbeing.
I work with clients to figure out where they have gaps (and strengths) in their nutritional intake and help them to determine which prenatal vitamins are best suited for their needs.
Although I generally say any prenatal is better than none, not all prenatal vitamin are created equal, so dialing in what your individual body needs can be super helpful.
Reach out if you’d like to learn more and set up a FREE introductory session.